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Artist BIO

Elizabeth Green is a contemporary artist born in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1993. She was raised in both Massachusetts and then later in southern Maine. Renowned for her uniquely vibrant portraits of Hollywood actors and actresses, Elizabeth's work is distinguished by bold brushstrokes and rich colors that convey a profound sense of energy and emotion.

Growing up in a family deeply rooted in creativity, Elizabeth was inspired from a young age by her mother, who is also an artist. Surrounded by art and artistic expression at home, Elizabeth's childhood was filled with encouragement to explore her own creative talents.

From family movie nights to trips to the theater, movies played a pivotal role in Elizabeth's upbringing, sparking her imagination and fueling her passion for art. This early exposure to the arts, combined with her innate creativity, laid the foundation for her future artistic endeavors.

After graduating from high school in 2011, Elizabeth furthered her artistic education by studying in New York City. Inspired by the dynamic and diverse creative environment of the city, she honed her skills and developed her signature style, which combines expressive brushwork with a keen eye for capturing the essence of her subjects.

Driven by a deep connection to both popular culture and personal upbringing, Elizabeth specializes in capturing iconic moments from pop culture as well as those specific to her own experiences. Her paintings serve as snapshots of time, immortalizing beloved characters, scenes, and symbols that resonate with audiences on both a universal and personal level.

Through her dynamic and expressive approach to painting, Elizabeth celebrates the enduring impact of movies on her life and art, recognizing their power to evoke emotions and forge connections across generations

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